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GeraldTM GeraldTM
A student working his way through high school, working on projects on the side.


Scoob AdmiralScoob

Zulu Development Canada

James Taylor JRTaylord
Software Engineer at Akamai. FRC 360 Programming mentor
Zero Day zach-sousa-dev
Student completing my final year of the P-TECH program at Mohawk College. I love picking up new skills and I always have something in the works. 🛠️

IBM Co-Op Canada

Lucas Joel LucasJoel1
High school student, frc2056 programmer


Rocky_ RockyXRQ
FRC mentor and alumni in team 8214 Cyber Unicorn

@FRCNextInnovation Hongkong

Ofek Harel HorizonRL

@BumbleB3339 Israel

Yahli Alton Yahli-Alton
I am Yahli Alton, CS Student in Tel Aviv University (Odyssey program) and Part of the FRC team 2230 General Angels.


William Kang wkangg

somewhere over the rainbow 🌈