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Danesh Code DaneshCode
Junior front-end developer


Tsekpoe Blessing Eyram betsekpoe
Learning web development with Python Django

KNUST Accra, Ghana

Chandan Kheto Khetochandan
Passionate Software Engineer focused on Full-Stack Web Development. Proficient in Java, Python, JavaScript, ReactJs, NodeJs & Actively solving problems


hhubk hhubk
halfhearted programmer
Julian Bacab JulianBcb07
I'm still learning to be a good Developer :)
Guillaume G. guillaumeag
Web Development | eCommerce | Game Design

Paris, France

Shahroz Khan szxivk
Aspiring Web Dev -> Available for work /Looking for a job


Ian Frallon IanSamuelFrallon
Front-end Software developer
wise nday rea1dithy
I am young and passionate about technology and its evolution, and I always want to learn to develop my skills and acquire more
Noé Priss Definel Bignono943
I'm an aspiring **developer** currently honing my skills in **web development** through the @TheOdinProject, a hands-on curricul
Ng Heng Khai nhkhai
Senior Software Engineer.


De panchu
Theo Melo theomelo
Senior Full Stack Developer

Foodee Vancouver, BC