Zhou Renping
An undergraduate student at Tsinghua University.
Summer intern at @VCG .
Incoming PHD @LeapLabTHU
Tsinghua University Beijing
Mohandeep Singh
📚 Philomath
😮 Extremely curious
☮️ Empathetic & Compassionate
⚛️ Novice Mathematical Physicist
Jiancheng (JC) Yang
I create AI for impact and for fun. Researcher @cvlab-epfl.
EPFL Switzerland
Hao Zhai
Ph.D. Student, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences. Research interests include Computer Vision and Connectomics.
Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences Beijing, China
Mohammad Hemayet Ullah
I am pursuing an MSc in AI at FAU, Germany. I have hands-on experience in software development, specializing in Java with Spring and Python with Django framewor
Friedrich Alexander University Erlangen, Germany
Pooyan Jamshidi
Professor of Computer Science at UofSC; Director of @softsys4ai; Ex. Visiting Researcher at Google;
University of South Carolina Columbia, SC, USA
Imran Haq
Unashamed data geek. Passionate about all manner of PowerBI, PowerQuery, DataViz, Deneb & VegaLite
Newcastle upon Tyne, UK
Stephen Hewei Wang
CS @ CMU Robotics Institute
Carnegie Mellon University Pittsburgh, United States
Kento Nishi
Undergrad AI researcher and web developer at Harvard.
Harvard University Cambridge, MA / San Jose, CA