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Dennis Magaki DennisMagaki

Student at Zetech University Ruiru, Kenya, East Africa

Maxwell Muthui Mwangi(Justmwangii) Maxwell-Muthui-Mwangi
👋 Hello World! I'm Maxwell Muthui Mwangi, a passionate Front-End Developer on a mission to craft exceptional digital experiences. 🚀

Ballershopke Kenya

jist george0st
The architect with an overlap into development and analysis. "Almost everything is possible, it's just a matter of time⌚, resources💰 and quality⭐"

Europe, Czech Republic, Prague

Josephat Onkoba Josephat-Onkoba
AI |Machine Learning | Python | PHP | SQL| Web / Software Development | Linux Foundation | Deep Learning

Arifalab Technologies Nairobi

Kubasu Ivan Sakwa KubasuIvanSakwa

West Kenya Company (kabras) kenya

Iheartpalmer palmerofficial
Web developer ,media student

@iheartpalmer thika

Blannon Blannon
Android Developer