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Avnish Kumar Ashukla011
Full Stack Web Developer (MERN) |🎓B.Sc in Information Technology Chhatrapati Shahu Ji Maharaj University, Kanpur (Utter Pradesh) |
Evil0ctal Evil0ctal
Eat more vegetable 🥬

@Agentfy-io Cupertino

Abdullah Ahmed abdullahahmed001
Software Engineering Student @ SJSU
CS @ UC San Diego
Shuting Zhao rachelxhoot
ec93 @ 🌊 ucsd | prev momenta, bjtu
Hajin Park hajin-park
Computer Science at UC San Diego
Believe in Chun ge, and your life will last forever!
GZTime GZTimeWalker
Walking on the Time Axis.

Sun Yat-Sen University ERROR: Permission denied.

Joseph Jun j2jun
Hi, my name is Joseph Jun and I am currently a senior at UC San Diego.
Zhang Maiyun myzhang1029
I live and `sudo learn -rf`.

University of California Cauliflower

Dhruv Sehgal Dhrutube
(tryna be) locked in
Matthew De Neve Matthew-De-Neve
UC San Diego Data Science Student

La Jolla, San Diego

Stone Tao StoneT2000
Robot Learning, RL, Simulation, PhD @ UC San Diego. Co-founder @Lux-AI-Challenge.
Stanley Lee leestanley

@NVIDIA San Francisco

dureduck chenyenru
Yen-Ru (Rebecca) Chen, UCSD CS '27

University of California San Diego La Jolla, San Diego

Jacob Lee JacobLee23
Student at UC San Diego pursuing a B.S. in computer science. Software development intern in Dr. Jill Mesirov's cancer genomics and bioinformatics laboratory.

University of California, San Diego La Jolla, California

Yusuf Morsi ymorsi7
MLDS M.S. @ UC San Diego

San Diego, California

Mac Kevin Braza mackevinbraza
Ph.D. student at Amaro Lab, UC San Diego

University of California San Diego La Jolla, CA

Baraa Zekeria bzekeria
Data Analytics Student at UC San Diego
Nate d. natdosan
' 🏀 🐐' = [23, 23, 24, 30, 35]

La Jolla

Charvi Shukla charvishukla

San Diego, California

Weiji Chen Wei-Ji-Chen

UC San Diego San Diego

Raymond Wang waymondrang
competitive scratch coder

University of California, San Diego

Edward Jin EddieJ03
BS/MS CS student at UCSD
nicholas campos nickcamp13
ucsd alum '24

UC San Diego San Diego, CA

Nikhil Dange nik-dange
Computer Engineering @ UC San Diego ('24)

San Diego, CA

Caogang (Marcelo) Shen dowhep
Third Year Computer Engineering Student @ UCSD
Jonathan David Moore jonathanlyonmoore
46, UVa Alumni in Computer Science, ACM Vice President, Patent Licensee, Windows Internals Certified, MSFT SI & Gold Partner and INTJ-T. Former MSDN Blogger

Microsoft 365 Partner Johnson City, TN

Ebubekir Türker ebubekirtrkr
from bio import *

Ankara, Turkey

Bornunique911 Bornunique911
| Cybersec Enthusiast | CTF player | Top 1% on | Infosec Researcher |
Boris dzodkin33
UCSD '25.

UCSD Math-Cs '25

Nishant Balaji nishantbalaji
i (sometimes) write code.

@acmucsd California