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Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


itsKayWat itsKayWat
👋 I'm Chris Loetz, I make stuff. Crafting tools to help stores and teams streamline operations and enhance efficiency - TikTok: @ll_kaywat_ll - OnPoint

NexusStream Project Ai One Click Away From You =P

Velimir Đurković djvelimir
Senior Software Engineer

Novi Sad, Vojvodina, Serbia

George Alexiou goten002

Future Intelligence Ltd. London, UK

Abhijeet Anil Rathod Abhijrathod
Developer Network Admin


Alexander Salas Bastidas ajsb85
Global citizen, coder with good taste, workaholic and ubergeek 👨🏻‍💻

@firechip Barcelona, Spain

Miguel Martins omiguelsma
Tech, Data & AI | Simplex & Efficax

@unifeb-barretos Barretos, SP - BR

Live, seek, create.

@ton-org Knowhere

Charles-A. Francisco charlesfranciscodev
Software Engineering | ML Infrastructure

@Capgemini Canada 🇨🇦

Waseem H Zaidi waseemhzaidi

None Islamabad, pakistan

Christian Arroyo christian-arroyo
I am a backend Developer with ambition to continue learning. I have previous experience developing CLI applications and tools for supporting Linux servers

Aerospike San Diego

Luke Hagar LukeHagar
Hi 👋 I'm a Software Engineer, passionate about Identity and Developer Experience. I love Svelte, Tailwind, TypeScript, and GO

@speakeasy-api Austin Texas

Mau Scheff MauScheff
I've had many lives 😸

Leest Switzerland

DaeHee Kim m4292007

Kyungsan, R.O.K.

Mohsen Ghahremani MohsenGhahremani
<<Quantitative Developer>>&<<Performance Developer>>& <<Algorithm Developer>>


Matt Sarrel druid-matt
Distributed systems, databases, and analytics all wrapped up in a Kubernetes bow...and then performance tested.
Maksim Pechnikov parallel588


Nikita Tomchik Cdayz
Software Engineer
Suvrakamal Das JaynouOliver
21 | ML Engineer | Presenter @scipy-conference | Certified @tensorflow ML Developer | Scholarship @hackthenorth @cncf


Rohan Dubey rohan-flutterint
if (brain != empty) { keepCoding(); } else { orderCoffee(); }

Pokerstars India

Gleb Tiltikov GlebNetstar

Netstar Russia, Moscow

Mike Anhmike
Freelance Startup Consulting

dataconsulting nyc