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Agrometeorology AgroMet
Hossein Lotfi, Meteorologist, focusing on the land surface models

Mississippi State University

Brian Collins BrianCollinss
Crop Physiologist and Cropping Systems Modeller

The University of Southern Queensland Toowoomba

Robel Takele (ሮቤል) RobelTakele

Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna Pisa, Italy

Ali Abdelkader aliabdelkader
Software Engineer

Cairo, Egypt

Qing Sun sunqingmeteo

Nanjing University of Information & Science Technology (NUIST)

Ahmed Kheir DrAhmedKheir
Coupling crop models, machine learning, RS, and cloud computing for food security,

Julius Kühn-Institut – Bundesforschungsinstitut für Kulturpflanzen (JKI) Berlin, Germany

Gerrit Hoogenboom GerritHoogenboom

University of Florida Gainesville, Florida

IrriPro irripro
Graduated from @Cua, As irrigation engineer more than 40 years. Retired Engineer. as was Irrigation Co. CTO. Built the Website.

Kingland Cloud IT co. ltd Shanghai Pudong Bipo road 500

Qtian weathergit
Under PhD

NorthWest A&F University (NWAFU) Shaaxi,China

Kevin Kramer kuadrat
Physicist turned agronomy-modeller with a strong interest in sustainability.

Agroscope Switzerland

Geek Logbook geeklogbook
Data Engineer | Web Developer

Geek Log Book

Adam H. Sparks adamhsparks
Professor of Biometry and Agricultural Data Analytics. Editor at @ropensci

CCDM-CBADA Perth, Western Australia, Australia

Benjamin J Perry BenjaminJPerry
Trying to be bioinformatician.

AgResearch Invermay, New Zealand

Ben Jones bj-far

Field Applied Research (FAR) Australia Bannockburn

Gustavo César Visentini gustavovisentini

University of Passo Fundo Erechim / RS / BRA

Ian T ianakt
Starting a new path in my career, I am open to collaborate on anything, though for now my focus areas are python, pandas, plotly, and java script.
Rita, YL YohanneRita
Ph.D. Student focusing on Food Security under Natural Disasters and Climate Change.

University of Saskatchewan

Durlave Roy DRoy2051
Expert Industrial Management Sustainable Agriculture Dhaka,Bangladesh

Raul R. Poppiel raulpoppiel