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Tailan de Souza Naliat
Information Systems - Federal University of Ceará. Aspiring full stack developer.

Universidade Federal do Ceará Brazil

Bărbuț-Dică Sami WarriorsSami
I'm a 2.1 years old software developer keen on Web/Mobile/AI Dev, SF movies/novels and calisthenics. Still curious?

UCV, Computer Science Bachelor Degree Romania, Craiova

Victor Muniz VictorMuniz7
Desenvolvedor JR, Angular, Spring
Ty Briscoe tybriscoe

Tangital Los Angeles

虫子樱桃 czyt

@x-gopher /dev/ttycode

Stefan Baggoo arimasfinest

Trinidad and Tobago

azurenote azurenote
py, angular, rust


Ahmed Hassan ahah43

Voltamp Transformers Oman Muscat, Oman

Maxim Levkov mlevkov
Director of Engineering, Engineer/ Architect, Video Engineering and Infrastructure

Self Los Angeles

Cyril Ferte cyrilferte
Fullstack developer. You need a platform send me a email. Build scientist tools for the new world!

Paris, France