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ZHANG Tai zhangtaii
To infinity and beyond.


Oanakiaja Oanakiaja
follow my soul...

ByteDance China Shanghai

杨轩帅 nicejade


James R T jamestiotio
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." - Sir Arthur Charles Clarke

@aruba The edge of knowing

Ruchida Fai
Software Engineer with curious mind and interested in innovation.


Nick Liebmann Liebmann5
"And how about Marla Hooch. What a hitter." - A League of Their Own

Nashville, TN

nothing good to say(I hate programming btw)
Tomas Zatko tzatko

@citadelo Laniakea Supercluster

Emilio Esposito EmilioEsposito

Intuit San Francisco, CA

十百千 x1001000
PHIL's Hello Implementation Labs


DeleteMemory DeleteMemoryyy
Ph.D. student interested in Program Analysis & Software Security

Peking University Beijing, China

A Real Homebody

@NuviLabs Seoul, South Korea

Abdullah Abdul535
Educator | Programmer | Self-Taught Dev

@thehackingschool Hyderabad, India

Lucas Moreira lucasmsa
Software Engineer @TapGoods

TapGoods João Pessoa, Brazil

Jeremy Osih jeremyosih
Currently learning how to think and craft.

@kima-ventures Earth

Harshal Deshpande hardesh
Robotics Engineer @ Peppermint

@Peppermint-Robots Pune, India

Zak hbd
gopher | Student of the School of #LuckyCharmes

@tydo the net

Wellington Cristi Vilela Santana Wellington01

@kodustech Bauru, São Paulo, Brazil

Sebastian Kurpiel SebastianKurp
Always interested in building something cool 😅

Feastables Chicago, IL

Mimi Reyburn mimireyburn
AI Engineer @ NHS

London, UK

Jurica Šeparović jseparovic1
Software engineer. Freelancing and hacking on my own products.

Hypertext Split Croatia

William will-break-it
break it 'til you make it
Dark matter Cloud dev.


Daniël abcdan
Writes software. Organised Chaos.

@LNGZL, @bybetas & @plug-and-pay The Netherlands

Guhan guhanarul
weaponize curiosity
Rob McDonald visualsbytheRob
Exploring and Learning Programming, Web Development, Artificial Intelligence, Generative 3D AV, Cloud and Quantum Computing. Check out my Starred Repositories.
clov clovisphere

Nairobi, Kenya

OlegMoshkovich OlegMoshkovich
I love building and creating.
Cajetan Oriekezie cajetanoriekezie
PhD Candidate at LSBU. Machine learning, Life cycle assessment, sustainability.


ardjo ardjo-s
Product guy curious about data.


iReka Soft irekasoft
Develop web system and front end with Laravel + React. Develop mobile apps ( iOS and Android ) with backend system.

iReka Soft Cyberjaya, Malaysia / @irekasoft

Adam D. Nagy adamnagynet

The Kingdom of Far Far Away