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Amit Suthar amitsuthar69
Building @portsicle | Curiosity Driven Programmer


Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Boubacar Sy CarbabouSy
- Je suis un grand amateur de mangas et de la culture japonaise ! - J'ai une passion pour la conception et le développement web et mobile, en recherchant const

Nouakchott, Mauritania

Ericc Whiskey87
Married man looking for things to try and keep myself busy Projects for work Apps for fun w/e. Just enjoying the journey while I still have time :)
Lemagex Lemagex
Lover of all things Linux.
Nikita Senko hacker-niki
BSUIR student


Salahudin Salahudin-cloud

Magelang, Jawa Tengah , Indonesia

Andril 4ndril
I am gamer, tech, geek, nerd and lover of everything Linux, DE (GNOME), MW (BSPWM & Hyprland) related. Just started to use Arch and want to learn more.

Pembroke Pines, Florida & Dallas, Texas

Murad Rustamov therteenten
a front-end developer from the Republic of Dagestan who doesn't do shit.

@tutlinux ~/home

chao_wang wangchaoxx
Stelios Petrakis stelabouras
📱 Mobile app developer 🕹 Aspiring gamedev 🌊 I love water shaders

Breakpoint Mobile Greece

i have no mouth and i must beatbox
Lune Lovehearn lunelovehearn
Art lover, Graphic Design Student, Arch Linux user, beta tester, tech hobbyist.✦♪ 🍎


XieXiLin XieXiLin2
Railfan / Student / Bangumi Lover / Manga Lover すみません,ごめんなさい


Electronic Ghost Eghost303
E-Labyrinth, E-Sci-Tech. Come and join us in GitHub.

East China Normal University Shanghai, China

saasha saashaspace
love tinkering with open source software. devops | AI-ML | technical documentation
Jakub Ziopulos hermes860
Guy who love Computer / Hacking and everything around.

Prague/ Czech Republic

black_aktsu ruanpereira
learning languages, just having fun. python, rust, c++, arch user (u know the drill).

Federal University of Ceará Fortaleza, Ceará, Brazil

Gil V. B. P. gilvbp
Software Developer/Architect, MBA IA/Big Data - Computer Scientist - Skilled on Scala, Java, R, Python, Spark, C++, C. ❤️ Linux/GNU, FOSS, IA.

Showtech IT Brazil

Damian deimon777
Soy un Diseñador Multimedial y Programador especializado en desarrollar interfaces amigables.


Youness younesselbrag
Data Scientist & AI Engineer At AIgot

@AIgot morocco

Tonmoy Mojumder tonmoy998
Nothing to show now but will have in future

Mote Bangladesh

Vinicius Libero liberom
Full Stack Dev & Crypto Enthusiast

Nobordist Brazil

Wildan Fadhlulloh wildanfadh
Hi, I'm a Full Stack Developer who loves working with React
