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Alessio de Dato Deda-404
Computer engineer at UniPI
Alba Martín albams5
Fullstack developer
Full Stack Developer - Software Developer


Ali SAFARI AliSafari-IT
Scientific App Developer and Analyst @ XiTechniX / Unlimit-IT

XiTechniX “Improve Your Lab” Kleinhoefstraat 5 2440 Geel, Belgium

Christian Baños Christian-Banos
Frontend developer based in Dublin - Madrid

Dublin / Madrid

Enric Broto ebroto7
Fullstack Devolper
Iván Martin Lomoro ivanlomoro
🙋‍♂️I'm Iván. I'm a Full Stack Developer 🖥. It's better to act than to overthink. Let's code the future together! 👾✨🌍

Assembler Institute of Technology Málaga, Spain

Julia Sanchis bonirot
Software Developer from Seville (Spain).


Daniel Sanguino danisanguino
Software development & Graphic Designer


Paula Wilshaw Muñoz Earnen
💻 Physicist and Full Stack Developer 💻

Jerez de la Frontera

Jorge Revuelta Cabello trat944
I'm a passionate coder finding my way on GitHub with a focus on learning. I'm eager to connect, collaborate, and grow within the vibrant tech community.


Ferran Ciprés ferrancipres
👋Hi! I am Ferran, and I am a Full Stack Development with a passion for crafting clean and efficient code.

Assembler Institute of Technology Barcelona

Aaron de los Santos aaron25484
👋Hi! I'm Aaron. I'm a Software Developer graduated on Assembler Institute of Technology's Master of Software Development.


Manuel Perez Yllan mpyllan
Machine Learning. Cryptography. CTO @

Wodan AI ES / BE / NL

Michele Pin TheMisterPin
Wannabe web dev, full time dreamer

Granada, Spain

Lien Chin Jiménez lienchinjimenez

Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain

Fran Avila FranAvilaGalvan
Junior Data Analyst🖥️📊 & Biologist 🔬


Jesus Velazquez Jurado jesusfvj
Full Stack Developer | Html5 | CSS3 | JavaScript | Node.js | Express.js | MongoDB | React | Tailwind | PhP |#AssemblerInstituteofTechnology

Sanlucar de Barrameda, Cadiz, Spain

David T. Pizarro Frick DTPF
Fullstack Web Developer


Joe Alt joejoyjoy
I love coding user friendly interfaces and wonderful website design. Student by @assembler-institute and know PHP, SQL, Sass, TypeScript, React & Node.js

Malaga, Spain

Marta Punset martapunset
Web developer from Barcelona

APFutura Barcelona

Valentino Traverso valentraverso
Web Software Developer

Barcelona, Spain

Ezequiel Zvirgzdiņš zzezequiel
Backend Developer

@tacliatech Barcelona, Spain

Berta Pfaff Porta BertaPfaff
I am a Data Analyst with a strategic focus, leveraging my background in communication
Albert Gomis Mulà AlbertGomisM
Fullstack Devolper | Forntend Developer


Jessica López Casas jeslopcas
Científica de datos y analista y 💯 % apasionada de la estadística y el aprendizaje automático :)

Assembler Institute Of Technology

Alberto Padilla AlbertoPad
Interested in statistical forecasting, industrial applications, data scientist and data analyst.
Miguel Gomez andresmgomez
🖥 Web Developer | 🏙 Front-end Developer | 🧑🏽‍💻 Software Engineer

Remote United States

Elisabet Elirv

Full Stack developer Las Palmas de Gran Canaria

Luciano Gabbanelli LuchoGabba
Another scientist exploring the world of data.

Wodan AI Barcelona

Lidia Frías lidiettes
Hi! I'm backend developer at @seatcode

@seatcode Spain

Juan Carlos M Giner jcmginer

Assembler Institute of Tecnology Barcelona

Cesar Moreno CesarDavidMorenR

Principado de Asturias, España

Víctor Martínez JasterV
Be a catalyst for change!

@primait Hamburg, Germany

Blake Johnson blakejohns5
Full Stack Developer and MSD graduate from Assembler Institute of Technology @assembler-institute
