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PublicThis Graphical PowerShell runbook connects to Azure using an Automation Run As account and starts all V2 VMs in an Azure subscription or in a resource group or a single named V2 VM. You can attach a recurring schedule to this runbook to run it at a specific time. The asso- This Powershell script is designed to remove updates solution from their log analytics workspace linked to the automation account and disables update schedules.
- This Powershell script is designed to migrate machines and schedules onboarded to the legacy Azure Automation Update Management solution to the latest Azure Update Manager.
Public- List all deleted runbooks within 30 days for restore under special automation account
- This Azure Automation runbook automates Azure API Management backup to Blob storage and deletes old backups from blob storage. This is a PowerShell runbook, as opposed to a PowerShell Workflow runbook.
PublicThis Graphical PowerShell runbook connects to Azure using an Automation Run As account and stops all V2 VMs in an Azure subscription or in a resource group or a single named V2 VM. You can attach a recurring schedule to this runbook to run it at a specific time.send-mail-office-365
PublicThis Graphical PowerShell runbook connects to Office 365 and sends an email. You can run this runbook by itself or call it from another runbook as part of a larger workflow.- This PowerShell Workflow runbook connects to Azure using an Automation Run As account and Starts/Stops all VMScalesets (VMSS) in a resource group in-parallel. You can attach a recurring schedule to this runbook to run it at a specific time.
- This Azure Automation runbook can help you vertically scale up an Azure Resource Manager VM. This runbook can run from an Azure alert or by itself. This is intended to run only in Azure Automation service. An Azure Automation account with the "Run as" feature is required.
- This runbook creates a new storage account and outputs the name of the storage account It checks the name of the storage account and restricts it to 24 characters. The Name parameter is to be seen as the project name in this instance. Outputs the storage account name Ca
- This runbook shows how to retrieve the properties of an existing Key Vault. It requires an Azure Run As account and additional modules, see the PREREQUISITE sections in the runbook for details. The runbook will use the Run As account to authenticate against Key Vault. The Run As
- This PowerShell Workflow Runbook connects to Azure using an Automation Run As account, retrieves the power status of Azure VMs and turns off / on in parallel those that are turned on / off. You can attach a recurring schedule to this runbook to run it at a specific time.
- This Graphical PowerShell runbook gets the PowerState status of a V2 VM. The runbook returns either 'running' or 'stopped'. You can run this runbook by itself or use it as part of another runbook.
- This Azure Automation runbook will scale down Virtual Machine Scale Set instances. This is intended to run only in Azure Automation service. An Azure Automation account with the "Run as" feature is required.
- This Azure Automation runbook will scale down Virtual Machine Scale Set instances. This is intended to run only in Azure Automation service. An Azure Automation account with the "Run as" feature is required.
- This script shutdowns/starts VMs (both ASM and ARM) by a given resource group name in sequence.You have to create a run as account with the name AzureRunAsConnection in order to access your account. You can create it automatically when you create your automation account.You
- This PowerShell Runbook (compatible with PowerShell Core) connects to Azure using an Automation Run As account, retrieves the power status of VMs and turns off / on in sequence those that are turned on / off. You can attach a recurring schedule to this runbook to run it at a spec
- This script suspends/Resume the PowerBI Embedded Capacity in Azure by a given PBE resource name.Pre-Requisites Install AzureRM.PowerBIEmbedded moduleYou have to create your automation account as Run As Account feature, sine this script uses AzureRunAsConnection for authentic
- This is an Azure Automation Powershell Runbook which will retrieve mobile assets from Intune, and import them into your Hornbill instance CMDB.
- A runbook to find all the runbooks in a given automation account which are using run as account. This runbook can be run inside an automation account as a runbook job. It requires subscription id, resource group name, and automation account name as input parameters. It uses automation account's system identity.
- This is an example script for Update Management pre/post actions. It stops VMs which were started to install updates. It must be used in conjunction with UpdateManagement-TurnOnVMs. It requires the module "ThreadJobs"
- This is an example script for Update Management pre/post actions. It requires the ThreadJobs module. starts VMs which aren't currently running to install updates. It can be used in conjunction with UpdateManagement-TurnOffVMs to turn off the machines which were started.
- This script is intended to be run as a part of Update Management Pre/Post scripts. This script will run an Azure Automation runbook via a hybrid worker, allowing for local execution of a script. It requires a System Managed Identity and a hybrid worker configured on the machine.
- This script is intended to be run as a part of Update Management Pre/Post scripts.It will run a script locally on an Azure VM using the Run Command functionality. It requires the module "ThreadJob" from the PowerShell Gallery.
- This is a template script for Update Management pre/post actions. It contains a basic list of common tasks and can be used to write your own scripts.