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Arijit Ray itsarijitray

@twilio & @segmentio Kolkata, India

Michal Radomski Michal-Radomski
Full Stack JS/TS Developer

@goEuropa Gdansk (GMT+1), PL, EU, Earth, Solar System, Milky Way (Orion Arm), expanding finite? flat? (Ω = 1.00±0.02) Universe, (opposite my neighbors), ~13.8 billion years after the Big Bang

Mathieu AtMath

Renault Group Paris, France

José Torres JoseTorresMX
Hola y un saludo desde donde estes. Apasionado a la programación y resolver problemas, estudiando Ing. en TIC's, En mi canal de YouTube, puedes ver mas 💯
Mehdi Payervand mehdipayervand
.Net backend developer(ESTJ👨‍💻)

Tehran, Iran

Justin justinsillou

University of Lille Lille, France

Parsa Azari parsaa74

Tehran, Iran

Alimahdi Bahrami alimahdibahrami
CE Student | Interested in IoT & Front-end

SlashT Earth

Jayden Beattie jkbeattie
I'm a full stack software engineer who specialises in web applications. Lover of problem solving and all things development.

NSW, Australia

Dev Mukherjee devraj

@anomaly Canberra, ACT Australia

Sheyla Marin sheylaing
.NET Developer | Analista programador | SQL | HTML | CSS | JavaScript


Igor Fernandes Igor097

Minas Gerais, Brazil

Denise Rísia deniserisia
Uma eterna estudante.

Fortaleza -CE

Catalin George Festila catafest-work
1976, work place account ...


Ignacio jit87
Desarrollador web. Estudiante de Ingeniería Informática | Web developer. Computer Engineering student.


ali omar mohamed aliomarmohamed
hello, this is Ali a Front engineer


Tony Thai trungthai-covergo
Totally warm and kind ~


Laszlo Varga vargalaszlo87
I specialize in the design and programming of electrical equipments and the general programming. In my free time I like playing to piano and guitar.


HduSy HduSy
A developer A cyclist. HangZhou

John Magdy Lotfy Kamel Zorono
Founder and CEO of @BrownTurbo | interested in Multipurpose Programming and Gaming

@BrownTurbo Egypt, Alexandria

Lượng Trần lov3five
Weekend Developer | 💫Learn. 💻Work. 🌱Grow. | 🤍Open Source | 😋Red Bull®

IUH - Industrial University Of Ho Chi Minh City Da Nang City

tsehayneshbiruh2112 tbiruh
frontend || shopify || UI/Ux


Geovanne Murata geomhz

Calgary, AB, Canada

Yash Tomar Yato0501-code
Software Developer working on ReactJs.

Newgen Software New Delhi

Lisys SystemLight
Wubba lubba dub dub.

CenturyDawn Beijing China

Ισμαήλ ismahl95
“Dwell on the beauty of life. Watch the stars, and see yourself running with them 🌠🔭. Think constantly on the changes of the elements into each other⏳."

Madrid, Spain.

Nora Meziani Nora1Meziani
Junior Frontend Developer
Paloma Avena palomaavena
Data Analyst | GIS | PD&I | GeoHab | DSPC™ | SFPC™ | BIFPC™


Stars trek Stars1233
I'm student . I don't know anything . 🤭
Geizielder Geizielder Brazil

Stu Frankish StuFrankish
Identity & Access Management, OpenID Connect, OAuth 2.0, SSO, Authorization, Authentication, Technical Standards. Adopt, Adapt, Improve.

@DuendeSoftware Cheshire, UK