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Ayoub Gharbi ayoub-g
I'm a full stack software developer, living in Montreal I love learning, coding, and sharing knowledge


Omar Jatoi omarjatoi
Dedicated, in respect and admiration, to the spirit that lives in the computer.

@Groq UTC-5

Márk Kővári markkovari
pew-pi-pew bipbup ... aaaaaand its gone


Liam Woodleigh-Hardinge liamwh
A fan of making things secure, fast, reliable, scalable, and well-documented.

Lead Engineer @ ING The Netherlands

Teodor Janez Podobnik dorkamotorka
Software Developer with a focus on: Kubernetes, eBPF and Cloud ☁️

Prewave Ljubljana, Slovenia

Sid sgfractal
Fractal Credit Developer

Sunereum California, USA

dhilipsiva dhilipsiva
Principal Software Architect. An Optimistic Nihilist who loves Science, Python, Rust, FOSS, WebAssembly, WebRTC & Distributed Systems.

@NuFlights & @colligence-research Bangalore

Markus Eicher MarkusEicher
Try using technology making the planet better bit by bit. Always curious and eager to learn. Ready to help if I can. Exploring things that uplift humanity.
