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Leonardo Viana leovianaf
Desenvolvedor RPA | Full-Stack | UFRPE - Ciências da Computação 6/9 | Técnico em Programação de Jogos Digitais

V360 Recife, PE

José Antônio josedossantos10

Universidade de Pernambuco Recife

Pedro Alves Batista pedroalvesbatista
Programmer and light adventurer, sometimes plays with kitchen stuff \o/

Colombo - PR, Brasil

GoisNeto goisneto

São Luis, MA, Brasil

Vinicius Rodrigues José r4v3nz
the programmatic expression of my will.
Naldo DJ naldodj

BlackTDN Brasil

Rafael rafaelfess
Elixir, Vue.js, Solid.js | Focusing on server-side (but not limited to) building majestic monoliths.

Rio Grande do Sul - Brazil

Rodrigo Rodrigues onobrerodrigo
DevOps in Construction.

Configr and Cloudez Natal-RN

Mateus Xavier mateusengq
Passionate about data and science.


Alexander Almeida AlexxAlmeida
Highly Qualified, Self motivated and extensively focused Engineer with expertise in front end software development.


Arthur Furlan arthurfurlan

@peqiapp Campos do Jordão, SP, Brasil

Luciano lucianovalenca

@getclickdocs São Paulo

Luis Yamada lmassaoy
SR Staff Engineer @ Nubank

Nubank, former AWS São Paulo, Brazil

JULIO J. RONCAL julioroncal
PhD candidate- AI Aeronautic Researcher Computer Science Division Technological Institute of Aeronautics

ITA São Paulo - Brazil

Wilson bakudas
Gamedev at @VacaRoxa and Design Strategist at @MinisterioPublicoRJ

@VacaRoxa and @MinisterioPublicoRJ Rio de Janeiro

Danilo dapmel
Python + Django + Postgresql


Camilla Napoles camillanapoles
Master student in software engineering

@cesarschool Recife-PE

Marcio Coutinho Marhc
I've been working with IT for over 22 years. I have experience in VB and .NET. Today, I work as DevOps Junior in my team, which develops in Angular and Java.

RJ, Brasil