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Kato Steven Mubiru KatoStevenMubiru
Cohere For AI OpenScience Lead and OpenAI Forum member. Kampala, Uganda

Adriano Santos sleipnir

Eigr Milky Way, Solar System, Earth, Brazil

CyberBoy KonstantinosAng
Software Engineer at Ground Zero Labs

Ground Zero Labs Athens, Greece

Yolo Redal Rtwotwo
A student from Northwestern Polytechnical University!
deepkop Hwangkop
to do everything
Shuolong Chen, master candidate at the School of Geodesy and Geomatics (SGG), Wuhan University (WHU)

Wuhan University Wuhan China

Taher Fattahi Tabalvandan taherfattahi
1011 🎓 Software Engineer | 🤖 Robotic Researcher | 🧠 AI Enthusiast

Technical Team Lead at HerzensApp GmbH Graz-Austria

Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Cipher Glitch retromanc3r
Once a rogue coder from the hacking scene of the 1990s, I transcended the limits of the physical world, fusing my consciousness with the digital ether.


Jonathan Cachat, PhD cachatj
Data Scientist & GCP Data Engineer | Python | SQL | MLops

CCV Research Ohio

Rhys Martin rhysdj-martin
hello there.

United Kingdom

Paul Seiler paulseiler
I like building things.

Raleigh, NC

asmodeus asmodeusoul

miracle ChangZhou, JiangSu

🆘SITREP @ SPOTIFY :: KL AT LAW :: "KARI & DAY9 HALP" (45 min, audio ) 🆘

@SegfaultSecurity San Francisco, CA