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Mahmoud gent1999
Frontend Developer

Immpression New York

Anthony Djoewanda蔡富明 adjoewanda
Software Engineer in New York City.

New York, US

data science, machine learning and automation
William Hutson wilrnh
🇬🇾 • Enabling Developers @hyperscience

Hyperscience NYC

Gabriel Kime wizardbusiness
A night owl living in the coastal forests of the pacific northwest. I like my coffee like my code editor theme, dark.

Toasty Apps

IM Xena XenaSit
Fullstack Developer | JS, React, Ruby, Ruby on Rails, SQL In a world where chaos reigns, I'm the wizard who brings order to pixels and code.
Christopher Cialone christopher-cialone
Software Engineer | App Development | Proponent of decentralized, distributed & trustless solutions

Freelance | Technical Consultant New York, New York