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Milind Mishra milind-foyer

@foyer-work Bangalore

Adithya S.T. adithya1010
Loves tech,video games and a nice cup of tea ☕


itsKayWat itsKayWat
👋 I'm Chris Loetz, I make stuff. Crafting tools to help stores and teams streamline operations and enhance efficiency - TikTok: @ll_kaywat_ll - OnPoint

NexusStream Project Ai One Click Away From You =P

Velimir Đurković djvelimir
Highly experienced Senior Software Engineer. Proficient in a range of technologies including .NET, Java, Angular, JavaScript, and TypeScript.

Novi Sad, Vojvodina, Serbia

sumit singh wh0sumit
founder and software engineer at @rightfitso 🧢

@rightfitso Indore

Atulya Rai atulyarai
Pre-Final Year Student at IIITN

Foyer Nagpur

Ani icantcodefyi
If a person ever claims to live their life without telling a lie, their life itself is probably a lie.

Indore, India

Ekaksh Janweja ekakshjanweja
DPSD '20 DTU '25

New Delhi, India

Siddhartha Saxena siddsax
Co-Founder @foyer-work | Builder

@foyer-work Bengaluru

Mangalam Raj [mango] mangalamraj
Friendly neighbourhood Web Developer

purplle India

AI DJ kjbravo
for humanity 2win

RISA Labs Palo Alto, CA

Yohanna Joseph Waliya yohannawaliya
Yohanna Joseph Waliya is a Nigerian digital poet, distant writer, ludokinetic writer, novelist, playwright, python programmer, winner of the Janusz Korczak Priz

University of Calabar Calabar

Ri Sean Smal riseansmal
Web Engineer developing on the Edge. Fueled by Open Source and DX. Committed to lifelong learning. Always pushing boundaries. My opinions are my own.

United States

Vaibhav Malaviya vaimalaviya1233
Backup & Android enthusiast.


王翔(Shawn Wang) shwangdev
Find Peace In Code.

Cargill Nanjing,China

Mike MacDonagh MechMadHog
SharePoint, Power Platform, Web Development

eirevo Mullingar, Co. Westmeath

Martin Bučko MartinBucko
Experienced DevOps Engineer with a deep passion for Linux systems and Cloud Architecture. Expert in Home Automation and dedicated to advancing in DevSec.

Slovakia, Košice

Tchik Tchak TchikTchakX
Creative Guy , who wanna learn


Thảo Nhiên Nguyễn (Erika - Erik|Rika) ThaoNhienNguyen-Erika
Predictably irrational | Thuyết bất đắc. I ❤ all subjects. Especially, I ♡ IT, ♡ discovering weird things. In short, IT is always my passion, forever.
