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Yogev AlbedoLinguine
i program n stuff

Plano, TX

aradhya mathur aradhyamathur
Phd Student working at the intersection of machine learning and graphics.
Krishna Shah DragonflyRobotics
I am a robotics hobbyist and founder of DeepShift Labs. I love contributing and innovating.

DeepShift Labs Dallas, Texas

Colin Wong democat3457
Minecraft Java modder, programmer in Java and Python

@Comet-Robotics | @Brains4Drones | @Rebirth-of-the-Night | @frc5431 alum/mentor North Texas

Station stationswift001
i am learning to write "code" - the stuff that goes on here is not worth your time - i mostly use github to work on my friends projects

Rapidly approaching yours

Rubyboat Rubyboat1207
Unity Developer by choice, Javascript Developer by trade, and involuntary Java developer thanks to Minecraft. (:
Cyrus CyrusLauderdale
I make websites and basic projects based on my interests
Aiden Hogan AidenHogan

New York, New York

Joshua Purushothaman joshuaPurushothaman
UTD CS - Collin Robotics - Collin College Software Engineering

@CollinRoboticsClub @CCSWEC Plano, Texas

Natalie DoubleSnapps
read my runes


Andrew Qi an0derke
WPI ‘26

@WPI Worcester Massachusetts