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Carson Farmer cfarm6
Engineering Ph.D. Student at Liberty University - Chief of Operations at @VagusLLC

Liberty University Virginia

Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Trelov Odracir trelovodracir
... I try to develop my projects so that they can be considered "solutions" (just like every developer would talk about their work, lol).

Federal University of Paraná (UFPR) Curitiba, Paraná - Brazil

Karlo E. Mendoza F. karlo555
Químico (Chemist)


Xuanhao Chang Xuanhao-chang
A Chinese Ph.D. student in the Department of Chemistry of Moscow State University

Moscow State University Moscow

Jorge Luis Gálvez Vallejo JorgeG94
Research Fellow @ Australian National University Ph.D. Iowa State University. High Performance Quantum Chemistry

@gms-bbg Canberra, Australia

Van-Quan Vuong vnquanvuong

Karlsruhe Institute of Technology

Ricardo Volert ricardovolert
Hi... I hope you're doing well? I am a MSc. Physics and I am pursuing a specialization in Applied Artificial Intelligence.

Federal University of Paraná (UFPR) Curitiba, Paraná - Brasil

Lukas Wittmann lukaswittmann
Theoretical Scientist; PhD student at the Mulliken Center for Theoretical Chemistry

@grimme-lab Bonn

Robert W. Góra rgora

Wroclaw University of Science and Technology Wrocław, Poland

Leticia Adao Gomes adaogomesl
PhD Candidate at Lopez Lab - Northeastern University

Northeastern University Boston, MA

Konstantin Tokarev annulen
Russian hacker

Department of Chemistry, Moscow State University Moscow, Russia

Henry R. Moncada hrmoncada
My research interests primarily focus on software development for scientific computing, parallel computing, and performance and optimization of parallel applica

The University of Texas at El Paso El Paso, TX

Shuhei Ohno ohno
PhD Student, Researcher & Websites Engineer

Yokohama City University & RIKEN Yokohama & Wako, Japan

Manas Sharma manassharma07
Scientist | Physicist | Coder

Phys Whiz India

Gabe Gomes gabegomes
Assistant Professor at Carnegie Mellon University with the @gomesgroup | Departments of Chemistry + ChemEng
Taka iwatobipen
I'm Medicinal Chemist a/o Chemoinformatitian in mid. size pharmaceutical company in Japan. My hobby is programming, running and Volleyball.


Mao Jiashun shunsunsun
I am working in ML and DL, computational biology, QSAR, bioinformatics. a PhD student

yonsei university

molecular modeling for drug discovery, deep learning combined analysis for novel scaffold compounds & development of advanced modeling algorithm..
Molecular Sciences Cloud Lab mscloudlab
A Molecular Sciences Cloud Lab for development of scientific cloud based online laboratories and related content.

Molecular Sciences Cloud Lab Tempe, AZ

Haiyang Yu Oceanusity
CE Ph.D. Student@Texas A&M University.

Texas A&M University College Station, Texas