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Thus endeth your History lesson.
Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Jorge Thomas - Akrista Akrista
Currently i'm investing every minute of my free time to learn about web development and programming languages that allow me to grow professionally.

TBTBGlobal Venezuela

Francesco Ciannavei Franky5831

@Fumetto-app Italy, Rome

itsKayWat itsKayWat
👋 I'm Chris Loetz, I make stuff. Crafting tools to help stores and teams streamline operations and enhance efficiency - TikTok: @ll_kaywat_ll - OnPoint

NexusStream Project Ai One Click Away From You =P

Velimir Đurković djvelimir
Highly experienced Senior Software Engineer. Proficient in a range of technologies including .NET, Java, Angular, JavaScript, and TypeScript.

Novi Sad, Vojvodina, Serbia

Twig6943 Twig6943


Romain Monier rmonier

@ThalesGroup France

Nitin S bruhhnitin
learning how to code.

Student Karur, India

Filip Drygaś tejotemku
FE developer at Samsung R&D Institute Poland @fdrygas-samsung. BE from Warsaw University of Technology
julie.toussaint JulieUlie
Application Engineer

B. Rekencentra NV Mechelen

Thiago Mendes ThiagoMC88

Brazil, São Paulo, Embu das Artes

xDeltaFox xDeltaFox
Fundador do @MistakeTeam ❤️✌🏾 Estudante de Ciência da Computação na UFF 📚

@MistakeTeam Niterói, Rio de Janeiro

Alberto Castro acastro5
I am new to developing and looking to learn and share knowledge with the community.

Boston, MA

Robin Ury binury
Building all kinds of things nowadays; fond of disruption and big ideas, dialectics; 20% mutant.


Eren Aslan erenaslandev

@VirtualMetric Türkiye

Özkan Bırak OzkanBirak
Software Engineer

Bright Bits Software Istanbul/Turkey

Frank Matheus frankmatheus
Apenas um 'programador mirim' tentando 'desenrolar' algumas coisas relacionadas a programação.

Minha Casa/Meu Quarto Em Algum Lugar do Brasil

Quiet Symphony Quiet-Symphony
Fan of many things. Hobbyist drawer.
👨‍🎓 18 years old french student


István Pánczél istvan-panczel
Freelance Software Engineer, working mostly on the front-end side.


Dharuan Luigi dharuanluigi
Software developer

Blip Sumaré,SP,Brazil

Lorenzo Chesi MainKronos
Computer Engineer

Knights of the Blood Aincrad, 26th Floor

Richard Smet richardsmet
Punctual Procrastinator. Collector Of Things. Cunnilingus Connoisseur. Animal Lover. Art & Music Fanatic. Blockchain Enthusiast. Love & Peace.

United States

Daniel Arvelini Danarvelini
Senior Web Developer. I love technology and I am passionate with its potential to improve people's life and relationship.

@Arvelini Remote