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Groq Toronto

Pablo Hinojosa Pablohn26
Changing the world while working at [your company]


RustyTake-Off RustyTake-Off
I'll have what I'm having 🍩

Here and there

Keming He KemingHe
Building projects that delivers value for others, and fulfillment for me. ☀️

The Ohio State University Columbus, OH

Md. Saddam Hossain saddamhossain
Senior Software Engineer | C# | ASP.NET Core | Web API | Blazor | SQL Server | Azure | DevOps | Passionate .NET Developer 💙

Self Dhaka, Bangladesh

Tsiry Sandratraina tsirysndr
Building @fluentci-io and @pocketenv-io 🦀 🦕 ❄️ 🧑‍🔬 💻 🚀

@fluentci-io Antananarivo / Madagascar

Sean Kelly skellygroq
I was born, now I'm living


Barroso Filho barrosohub
⚡AI & Software Engineering | Expertise in React, TypeScript, Cloud Integrations | Microsoft Certified

Teresina, PI, Brazil

Loreto Parisi loretoparisi
MSc Computer Engineering, running @musixmatchresearch Artificial Intelligence Engineering Director at @musixmatch

@Musixmatchdev Italy, Bologna

Onofre Souza souzaonofre

Web Fullstack Developer Belo Horizonte - Minas Gerais - Brasil

Chris Ho cho-groq
AI Application Engineer Intern @groq
Jared CincyDevAI

Cincinnati AI, LLC Ohio, USA

Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Thomas Klemm thomasklemm

Tallinn, Estonia & Bad Kissingen, Germany

Daksha Ladia dakshaladia
MS CS @ UMass | Passionate about Software and ML :)

Massachusetts, United States

Edoardo Avenia edoardoavenia
Computer Engineering student at the Politecnico di Torino, passionately working on personal projects.
Omar Jatoi omarjatoi
Dedicated, in respect and admiration, to the spirit that lives in the computer.

@Groq UTC-5



Remco Tolsma remcotolsma
WordPress Developer at @pronamic Working on Pronamic Pay plugin to integrate payment providers like Adyen and Mollie with WooCommerce, Gravity Forms, etc.

@pronamic Netherlands

Zhao YuPeng zhaoyupenggit
GitHub Launch!!!