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Nithya Kruthi Kruthimacha

4basecare Oncosolutions Pvt ltd

Yazhini yazhinia
Computational Biologist

Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry Goettingen, Germany

Antônio Camargo apcamargo

DOE Joint Genome Institute

Siva Subramanian Ayeraselvan sayeraselvan
Hi, I am Siva. I love NGS data analyzation and to code.

Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Biology Plon, Hamburg, Germany

Vedanth Ramji Vedanth-Ramji

Big Data Biology Lab Chennai, India

Austin Marshall microbemarsh
Postdoc focused on microbial genomics. Bridging the gap between biologists and computer scientists.

Houston Methodist Research Institute Houston, TX, USA

Ece Kartal psecekartal

Heidelberg University

Khemlal Nirmalkar khemlalnirmalkar
Research Scientist at Biodesign Center for Health Through Microbiomes

Arizona State University Tempe Tempe, Arizona, USA

Martin Larralde althonos
PhD candidate in Bioinformatics, passionate about programming, SIMD-enthusiast, Pythonista, Rustacean. I write poems, and sometimes they are executable.

LUMC (ex EMBL) @zellerlab The Hague, Netherlands

Suresh Kumar M suresh2014
Bacterial pathogens, Genomics, One Health and Epidemiology

University of Hyderabad, India India

Anna Mankowski amankowski
Postdoc at EMBL Heidelberg. Using metagenomics and bioinformatics to study environmental microbes.

EMBL Heidelberg Heidelberg