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shjdgwj shjdgwj
不妥协,不逐流。随性而不失个性,有设计而不留痕迹。 student of Xidian University

Xidian University Xidian University

Penn State BSEE 2022; Digital IC Design Engineer in HiSilicon Balong From March 2023 to August 2024;
Davide Conficconi DavideConficconi
Domain-Specific and Reconfigurable Systems, from microarchitecture to software abstractions. Assistant Prof. at Politecnico di Milano @necst

Politecnico di Milano Politecnico di Milano

Hailin, Zeng hailinzeng
Formal Verification

Beijing, China

Jun Gu Kang jun-gu-kang
MS, ECE, Inha Univ.

CASL @ Inha University Inchoen, South Korea

Yun-Chen Lo yunchenlo

National Tsing Hua University (NTHU) Boston, MA

Benjamin Quiédeville BenjaminQuiedeville
PHD student on the Faust compiler in the Emeraude Team at INRIA/Grame.

INRIA/Grame, Emeraude Team Lyon, France

Esmael Mohammed eusme
Software Engineer , Co-Founder of Qualliaware Software S.C

Qualliaware Software SC Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Seungwan Noh swnh

Pusan National Universtiy Busan, Korea

Mohamed A. Bamakhrama mohamed

Renesas Electronics Corporation The Netherlands

ASIC/FPGA Engineer | Researcher @ KU Leuven.

KU Leuven Antwerpen

Guiyuan Zhu zhuguiyuan
A CS Student @ ShanghaiTech & ICT
Kensei Kensei187
Le savoir, c'est le pouvoir. Francis Bacon
LJS learningHWSW
I am interested in Verilog, system verilog, C, C++, System C


Xiaodong Zhao xz10620
Talented Engineer looking for new way to build chips

zScale Computing California

pavlos tzitzos PavlosTzitzos
Just an undergraduate electrical and computer engineer student.

Democritus University of Thrace Xanth GR

xiangxudong xiangxud
old programmer,like full stack c ,go ,js,java,study in all lifecycle

Munich, Germany

TC Tiancheng Xu tcxxxx

Rice University Houston, TX

Haomin Li shieldforever
I am Haomin Li. CS PhD candidate from Shanghai Jiao Tong University.

Shanghai Jiao Tong University Shanghai Jiao Tong University

Nidhi Gupta ngupta949
Software Developer

Greensboro, NC

Mahdi Abbasi Mahdi-abbasi1358
Interested in Network Optimization, Network Automation, Optimization and Synthesis of Digital Systems, and Embedded Intelligence. Here, I put some codes&papers

Bu Ali Sina University

Saaswath infini8-13
Creating stuff that makes and improves computers. 1/0.

IIT(BHU) Varanasi Chennai