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Antoine Aspeel aaspeel
I am a postdoc in control and optimization

CentraleSupélec Paris

Chris Muir chrismmuir

Chicago, IL

Jack Huang zauberresonator
Chicagoan by upbringing, education, and outlook. Passionate about optical chips, deep tech, and markets. Please reach out if you are like-minded

Pale Blue Bot

Om@r OmarUTEC
"Ningún sistema es seguro"

University of Engineery and Technology Lima, Perú

Berk Orbay berkorbay
Founder of Tideseed

Tideseed Istanbul, Turkey

Hector Perez hdavid16

RelationalAI Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA

Joshua Pulsipher pulsipher

University of Waterloo Waterloo, ON, Canada

Ian McInerney imciner2
Research Software Engineer in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at Imperial College London

Imperial College London London. UK