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Brian Rotich brotich


Oskar bullshit
linux, docker, java, php, golang, spring-framework, kotlin, ISO27001, security, CI/CD, kubernetes, azure, aws, ovh, cloud native, agile .....

self employed Europe

Anilcan KARA anilcan-kara

Ministry of Justice Sydney

Gaurav webspeller
Interested in Functional Programming, Blockchain, AI, AR-VR, Vision and Robotics Technologies.


Carlos Vinicius carlosvinicius
Staff Software Engineer

7shifts Saskatoon, Canada

Alberto Licea albertolicea00
Fullstack & Movil developer, also I make indie games, 2D design and animations and 3D modelling.


​/Thor(sten)?/ Schwesig schwesig
Hello! I'm Thor, a passionate software developer. Automating tasks and improving workflows is my obsession! Let's collaborate and create efficient solutions!

@RedHatOfficial Germany

siraphob-api siraphobk
Sometimes, I write code. Sometimes, the code writes me.

API PLUS TECH Co.,Ltd. Bangkok

Russ⚡ bitruss

⚡️ btc ⚡️

Zikani Nyirenda Mwase zikani03
Wannabe Software Engineer | Java | Go | Python | Vue | React. ~ Fullstack.

@nndi-tech ex @creditdatamw Lilongwe, Malawi

Leopere Leopere
Never bored.

Where I need to be, most of the time.

Masoud ~ 007dude
Driven by curiosity… Eternally curious, Effortlessly trying, Endlessly learning. Let’s connect and create something amazing.

@VectorDBCloud @ReguNav @LLMCompass @Monetizing-Cloud @LLMHubCo @SanctionMonitor

Aveline ym
Too young too simple, sometimes naïve.

@misakaio Berlin, Germany

Austin Songer, CISSP austinsonger
Governance, Risk, and Compliance Lead, MIS,CEH,ESCA,Project+ (Navy Veteran)

Chicago, Illinois

David Walter davidwaltre
B.Sc. geoinformatics and surveying. Developing software at work and home

DLR RLP Germany

jlreartes cua4atro
Escribo codigo Flutter, like a Senior. Hago videogames en Rust 'cuz se aprende jugando. Implementado a blockchain de juguete para el Estanciero. True story.

@DartAndFlutter-ar Córdoba, Argentina.

Ali Ziyad aliziyad
Founder, @DigioLife | Digital Marketer from the Maldives since 2005

DigioCart Maldives

Rami S. Jaber RamiSJ12
Chief Software Engineer at Data Pirates Agency🔹Open for Remote Jobs and Freelancing.

Data Pirates Agency

manoj manojradhakrishnan
All about payments and open source

@juspay Bangalore

Ismael Costa ismaelmcosta
Software Engineer 💻 | Technical Product Manager 📖. 🔥 Typescript, Node.js, Nextjs, React Native, Sql.

Wiser Educação Brazil

Ruslan Konviser evereq
Building Ever® - The Everything Platform for Businesses™ @ever-co

@ever-co Worldwide

Dmitry Buiko bdv-s4kt
Software Engineer

Equinix New York

Zeeshan Muhammad zeeshanmuhammad

DKHR Limited Northampton, United Kingdom

paradox geeeeeeker
I do and I understand Hangzhou, China

Sameer sameerk28

@databit Pune

JunGi Park jungipark

Payhere Inc. Seoul

John Efemer johnefemer

@mevriklabs Dhaka, Bangladesh

Matt Gleeson mgleeson

eLearning Kaizen Brisbane, Australia

Jiho Lee DPS0340
Think Rust!

@MondrianAI @SW-Maestro-OSS Seoul, Republic of Korea

Jeff Haynie jhaynie
strong opinions, loosely held

Agentuity Austin, TX