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Emmanuel Rivera RetroNumericMaster1929
Undergraduate Actuarial Science Student | Modern Portfolio Theory & Management | Data Science | Deep Learning | High-Dimensional Probability Theory |

New Gen Developers

Benedikt Rösch broduzent
Currently studying media computer science at Stuttgart Media University
Iulisloi Zacarias izacarias
There is nothing special about me. Computer networks, protocols, standards, mobile networks...
Nimbulaxan Nimbulaxan
Due to restrictions at work, primarily program in VBA/MATLAB now but looking into Python for SageMath and Jupyter Notebook.
Alan Szmyt szmyty

Boston, Massachusetts

Arunava Basu arunavabasucom
🇮🇳 Google Summer Of Code '22 '23 @radis


Ricardo Rodriguez ricardor4
Mathematician/Computer Scientist from Chile. Now trying to do Cryptography at Germany
Baptiste Grosjean grosjeanbaptiste
Information Scientist | student @Umons by night and @ EMVI by day.

EMVI Bruxelles

RJ Larson rlarson20
Penn State Math '23

NYC, New York

张威伦 zhangweilun

南昌大学 南昌

Sark sarkrui
🤓 A designer who codes. PhD student at PolyU Design for Designing Materiality of Interaction for Everyday Activities.

Hong Kong SAR, China

Marc Broghammer Marc-commits
PhD candidate in genetics

Baden-Württemberg, DE

Quisette Chung Quisette
A college student interested by Shogi, Stenography, LaTeX and Programming.


Luis Gabriel Gomez lggomez
Jack of some trades. Planting PRs around there

- Buenos Aires, Argentina