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Atharva Joshi athy125
internet craftsman


Thomas Lekanger datagutt
Full-Stack Web Developer

@nettbureau Oslo, Norway

JoshTheNerd JoshTheDeveloperr
gamer, software engineer and finance nerd


Amédée DERA a-dera

@GeniusKidAcademy @Club-Informatique-IBAM Ouagadougou

polar polargh
full-stack engineer, passionate about creating things that scale efficiently, doing funny robotics things @hivemindhq and @Null-Robotics

@BundleGroup Nashville, TN

Conrad Crawford cnrad
0010100, typescript, wwdc '22 scholar

@client-side-dev United States

Solomon SoloMReal

Student California, US

Dennis Paulus OfficialCRUGG
19-year-old creative, web developer, ui/ux designer.

Hagen, Germany

Cody Miller Looskie
securing the web @client-side-dev

United States

nathan lodge hexiro
19 / I perform science on computers


Bereket Semagn heybereket
cofounder, cto @usebutler

Toronto, Canada

Dev @buape

@buape, @Omnibyte-Tech Springfield