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Antony Espinoza Quijano Antony-EQ
I'm Full Stack Developer

DCS Corp Lima

Luis Eduardo lperezp
Frontend Developer at InDigitalXP | Community Organizer @dsc-utp @GDSC-Peru @GDGCallao @AngularPeru

InDigitalXP Perú

Paolo Siancas SHIM3Z
Bachelor of Systems Engineering and Computer Science - Dev FullStack


Felix Castro FelixGonzalo
📌 Bachiller en Ingeniería de Sistemas e Informática - UNS 📌 Frontend developer

@idbi Perú

Luis Bazán luisBazanDev
I'm Luis Bazán, a dedicated software developer from Perú, passionate about crafting high-quality solutions to complex problems,

UTP Peru

vr1 vr1eva

Lima, Perú

David Ortiz dortizp
Full Stack Developer

Lima, PE

Pedro Arias Vilela pdroariasvilela
I am a frontend developer skilled in creating modern, interactive user interfaces using React, React Native with Expo, and Next.js. 🚀

Lima - Perú

Alejandro Alejandro1709
Software Engineer From Lima, Peru

Lima, Peru

Jorge Martín Capcha Kamaqen
Full Stack Developer looking for the next challenge. Interpreter and Musician.

Codeable Lima, Perú

Paulo Tijero paulotijero
Software Engineer

@codeableorg Tingo María, Perú

Alberto Borit albertoborit
Love TypeScript and Blues ✌🏻


Alejandra Castillo alextina
FrontEnd Developer

Laboratoria Lima - Perú

Martha Huaman ssmartha
Full Stack Developer Jr. | React | Javascript | Ruby | Rails | HTML & CSS✨ 🌺


Sebastian Terleira sebastianterleira
Frontend Developer 🎨

Lima, Perú

Katerin Tello Ura KaterinT
Full Stack Developer 👩‍💻

Melbourne, Australia

Adrian Alzamora MechaXAI
Software engineer focused on building innovative technologies. 🇵🇪

Lima, Perú

Bruno.sz19 Brunosz19
💻 Full Stack Developer. 📢 Good speaker. 🎨 Occasional designer. 🥰Programming lover.


Maximo Apaza Chirhuana maximopeoficiales
Ser autodidacta y responsable es mi mejor cualidad. Investigar y aprender cada día es mi pasión.

Programador Full Stack JS Lima(Peru)