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Fábio Vitor FVitor7
Desenvolvedor FullStack com ênfase em Python e JavaScript.


TiagoPiovesan TiagoPiovesan
Desenvolvedor de Software

Mercafacil Curitiba - PR

Jaqueline Almeida Jaqueline-Almeida
Desenvolvedor Back-end | Javascript | Typescript | NodeJS | NestJS

São Paulo, BR

Christian Franchin christianfds

@amzn Foz do Iguaçu, PR - Brasil

Alexandre Verardo Dedinho alexandrededinho
Senior Engineering Manager

@mercafacil Curitiba

Farley Lima FarleyLima

Grupo Brisanet Pereiro - CE

Eronaldo Aquino Eronheit
Frontend Developer | React | NextJS | Typescript | Angular | UX/UI

Mercafacil Brasil

Lucas Porto lucasportolima
Senior Software Engineer at Mercafacil | Python | NodeJS | React | Vue

Mercafacil Brasília

raul d. rdu4rte
JavaScript/TypeScript/Python Fullstack Developer - Nodejs, Nestjs, Vuejs, FastAPI

Decskill Brasil

Jorge Fonseca | Team Lead Integration jorge-luis-fonseca
It is not the programming language that defines the programmer, but its logic. 🎩⛳

mercafacil Curitiba

João Victor Oliveira Couto Jictyvoo
📜 Graduating in Computer Engineering at UEFS 🔧 Computer technician with focusing on System Development by SENAI

@mercafacil @Wrapped-Owls Brazil

Gleydson José gleydsonjose
Web Developer | React | Vue | JavaScript | TypeScript | PHP | Node | Python

@mercafacil Pernambuco, Brazil

Murilo Krugner murilokrugner
Tech Lead

Develcode Brasil

Hamer Iboshi hamer-iboshi
Software Developer -- “Always pass on what you have learned.” – Yoda

Software Developer na @mercafacil Curitiba, BR.

Fernando Erd Fernando-Erd

@vocedm Curitiba, Brazil