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Anthony Fok anthonyfok
I am a Debian Developer and package Go programs like Hugo the static website generator (@gohugoio).

@NRCan; @Debian Edmonton, Canada

Omar Dejesu Orrantia Strezless1
Strezless Musick Productionz Founder
L4RS laers

Climate Data Agency Copenhagen, DK

Bart Cosyn bcosyn

agentschap Digitaal Vlaanderen Gent, Belgium

TC Haddad tchaddad

OR Coastal Mgmt Program Portland, OR

Joel Schlagel doi-jschlagel

DOI OCIO Washington, DC

Ethernal Serenade ethernal-serenade
Explain my name: Ethernal (like Eternal but add "H" - Human). Serenade (Translation: start by "Nocturne" and follow with flow "en-vn-en"). Thanks ❤️

Viet Nam

Erling Onstein ErlingOnstein

Norwegian University of Science and Technology Gjøvik, Norway