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Niklas Ahlers Redacks
Working at XITASO and studying IT. Also working on a lot of private projects.

Xitaso Germany

Jan Nash JanNash

@XITASO, @TapeIt Berlin, Germany

Henrik Kubitza Qubitza

XITASO GmbH Ulm, Germany

Moritz Hofer hofermo
Product Owner Mnestix and AAS Expert @XITASO Currently working on @eclipse-mnestix the open source AAS Browser

XITASO GmbH Augsburg

Stefan Wagner SteveW94

XITASO GmbH Augsburg, Germany

XClaudetteUX uxclaudette
UX Designer and loyal friend of AAS @XITASO Currently working on @mnestix, the open source AAS Browser

@XITASO Leipzig, Germany