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Anark Karabey k4r4b3y
Monero will end involuntary taxation // xmr:8AuTSiz2vAH2RB8FVXoVLdKWtvnKALG7vEFV2LXwWgmk8dq97hKBwHsNsiWP7q7xGRBtistBxEondj7FqiYdxgqjURUPx2Z
Jan Čejka Cuchulain
Software Architect & Full Stack Señor Developer, Shaman, Mage, Therapist, Healer, Visionary

Czechoslovakia, Prague

Privacy is a human right.


Kevin Karhan kkarhan
just a dude collecting ideas, code and stuff...

- under NDA - 51°N 7°E

dethe detherminal
blockchain and cryptography enthusiast software developer.