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Bishal Giri imbishalgiri

Naamche nepal

Manish Budhathoki mbudhathoki200
🖥️ Exploring the Digital Realm 🌐 | Debugging Life's Algorithms ⚙️


Pranjal Pokharel pranjalpokharel7

Pulchowk Campus, IOE Nepal

Sabin Subedi Sabin-Subedi
A passionate learner from Nepal. Interested in Javascript, Typescript, and Web Technologies.


bibashmanjusubedi bibashmanjusubedi
Bibash Manju Subedi

Itahari, Nepal

Kate, Z ( katesroad) reboottime
A curious mind, a good fisherman

Rochester, NY

Abi Shrestha scifisatan

Khwopa College Of Engineering

Suban suban244
Trying out random stuff till it works out

Pulchowk Campus, IOE Nepal

Yunika Yunika-Bajracharya
NLP, AI, and making sense of text

IOE, Pulchowk Campus Kathmandu, Nepal

Krishna Upadhyay kriss-u
A Computer Science PhD student at Louisiana State University and A&M College

Baton Rouge, United States

Sabin Thapa sabin-thapa

@naamche Kathmandu University, Dhulikhel

Aayush Neupane Atomnp
ML Engineer|Making machines do my work

IOE,Pulchowk Pulchowk,Lalitpur

Nishant Shrestha sNishant011
A keen learner mainly focused on frontend web developement.

@naamche Nepal

Aashish Bhandari awebisam
A keen learner and economics enthusiast who loves pythoning the way.


Nishan Poudel nsn39
Lifelong CS student. Knows a bit about Computers and Linear Algebra

Kathmandu, Nepal

Aakrit Subedi aakritsubedi
Honors student of Kantipur Engineering College, Computer Engineering. Academic credentials are reinforced by programming experience gained during an internship.

BCTNotes Kathmandu,Nepal

Srijan Bajracharya lucerowb
Keep Learning...


Naamche Dev naamche-dev
We're Naamche Sherpas


Ravi Giri Regaron
Experienced in developing and leading software projects across various domains and technologies.


Ramesh Pathak rameshhpathak
Tinkering around and shipping products


Avishekh Shrestha Avi777
AI Lead @naamche | Fine-tuning models and melodies

naamche Kathmandu, Nepal

Barun Pandey barun1997
React Dev | I love Hooks
