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Sukhyun Joo SukhyunJoo

Oregon State University Corvallis, OR

adam Adam-Omarali
studying engineering science @ uoft. always building.
Adam Siemaszkiewicz adamsiemaszkiewicz
Machine Learning Engineer

Four Point Wrocław, Poland

Jeremy Natzke jnatz370

Rayonier Poulsbo, WA

Hércules hercules1997
Olá, sou o Hércules. Amo programação, tocar violino e praticar esportes como: correr, nadar e fazer tilhas.


cumsoft cumsoft
CLT, XR & Hybrid Kernel Dev

cumsoft New York, NY

Bijesh Mishra bijubjs
Applied Economist || Data Scientist || Postdoc || R, Python, Stata, SQL, SAS || ML & AI || Spatial and Non-spatial Econometrics ||

Auburn University Auburn, AL

Esther Li HolyMolly0121
Global Energy Transition | Value Chain Decarbonization | Carbon Accounting | Aviation SAF | Data Science | Finance | R | Tableau | Python | SQL

RMI Bay Area, CA

Reslan Tinawi Reslan-Tinawi
If it has coordinates, then I'm up for it

Coventry, UK

Maya Morales moralesmaya
A data scientist working to bridge the gap between the technological and environmental world.

Me Boulder Colorado

Ry Patton rmpatton
SUNY-ESF alumni interested in statistics with silviculture and agroforestry applications. Developing code for forest inventory analysis and management planning.
KarlmerCorrea KarlmerABC
Hello. I'm an Agronomic Engineer, doing a PhD in Forestry Hydrology at ESALQ. I have knowledge in SR, Agrometeorology, Crop Modeling and DS (Py, JS and R)

NCX ncx-gitbot
Robot working on behalf of


Jake Hash jhash
No-code enthusiast focused on building SaaS applications using Javascript

WorkHands New York, NY

Victor Lins vhlins
Amazonida. Computer engineer. Co-founder of Terras App Solutions:

Terras App Solutions Belém, Pará, Brazil