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dam damakathemaker
design tech for good | generative, gaming, music, ai, python, swift and web !

XXII Paris

Sammy SammyBits
Sammy, 18 year old fullstack programmer. Passionate about technology, always looking for new skills. 🚀

@Hemiblade Santiago, Dominican Republic

SK Sung-Kyu

Suprema Inc.

Galli Davide Francesco Maria Revan1985
Working since 2009 years as .net developer. Passionate with Industry programming (mes and scada) and graphics programming

Alesys S.r.l. Solbiate Olona (Italy)

Harshdeep S. Dhillon harshdeeply
Just getting started with open source contribution.


Muhammad Tsabit Darmawan tsabit-dv
Common Developer


Anton Poturaiev AntonPoturaev
C++ Developer

Odessa, Ukraine

Mike Benner mikebenner

Dragones Software Orange County, California

werwolf werwolf


Ieere Song sirzzang

Innodep Inc. Seoul, Korea

WWX asdkmm5050

Milky Way Galaxy


profoundtech Greater Sacramento Area

Gabriel Douglas douglasdeluxe
Talent Partner focused on AWS for healthcare.

Rogel Associates Austin, TX

LazeeWhaleeeeeee xard40
"consciously building unconscious singularity mind" .Ex- or "Still" Roboticist --only alt account--

What/Where[?] Inventions Taiwan / Singapore / US

Matt Safaii mattsafaii

MGENCY Los Angeles, CA

Anton Makrushin makru86

@networkoptix Kathmandu

Mitchell R mrinc

M.R. Inc South Africa

Basel Ajarmah baajarmeh

developing a new AI project... Ajjur, Palestine

DigitalWatchdog RND dwrnd

Digital Watchdog CA 90703, USA