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Congye Wang congyewang
PhD Candidate in Mathematics

Newcastle University Newcastle upon Tyne

Seb Graham c2029514
Geospatial Engineering Student | Administration & Operations

Newcastle upon Tyne

Grace Morrow VirtualGraceCO
MSc Computer Science student at Newcastle University. Experienced in Java, HTML, CSS, SQL.
A. Walli AnalyticalAbdulla
-School Governor, Bede Community Primary School, Old Fold Rd, Gateshead, England - Academic supervisor for HQ -AI Developer - Cyclist

free license free thinker United Kingdom

Joaquin A. Penalver-Andres jpenalve
Biomedical Engineer and Control and Electronics Engineer with a passion and a career in Neuroscience. Today, working on EEG data to improve neurorehabilitation

@Artorg-MCLab Bern,Switzerland

Rahul Singh srahuliitb
MSc in Advanced Computer Science

@newcastleuniversity Newcastle upon Tyne

Nirmal Karthikeyan cyberwizard1001
- 👋 Hi, I’m Nirmal - 👀 I’m interested in just about anything tech

@MyPerroUK Newcastle upon Tyne, UK

James Dowdell jdowdell2
Final Year BSc Computer Science Student at Newcastle University

Newcastle Upon Tyne

Mahyar doost MahyarDoost
PhD student @ Newcastle University

Newcastle University

Cam Charlton CamCharlton

Data Centre & Operations

Sam Lawlan nsl203

Newcastle University