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Sérgio Campos Silvério campos-sergio
DDD(Dollar Driven Developer) • Skilled feature builder • Fierce bug slayer o/

Mamute TI Tech Caraguatatuba - SP, Brazil

Khayo CDM khayomacedo
I like to analyze, innovate and to have a challenge.


Jael Zela jaelzr
MSc in Computer Science
Marcelle Herescu maherescu

Software Engineer @NoVerde/Dotz

Francisco Rodrigues rodriguesfas
The real development of the person is not in what he demonstrates to know, but in the mistakes he fails to make. (Allan Kelvin Sales - 2015).

Thiago Moraes thiagomoraesn13
"Um homem dotado de papel, lápis e borracha, e sujeito a uma disciplina rígida, é na verdade uma máquina universal" Alan Turing.
Ronaldo Bevilaqua Bevilaqua
AI Coordinator

@solides Brazil - São Paulo

André Fagundes 1afs
Front End Mobile Developer - Kotlin / Android - React Native

@DotzInc Rio Grande do Sul

Vinícius Padilha padilhavinicius
Frontend Developer with 9+ years of experience, specializing in JavaScript, React, and React Native, with a strong foundation in frontend technologies.

L2 Code Campo Bom, Rio Grande do Sul