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Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


dikshie dikshie

Keio University Japan

Ebrahim Hamidi ebrahimhamidi
I am a PhD candidate working on coastal hazards risk analysis using numerical modeling and remote sensing data analysis on cloud and parallel computing platform

The University of Alabama Tuscaloosa, AL

GlennML glennlaughlin

cape breton, nova scotia

Mansur Ali Jisan (জিসান) mansurjisan
Physical Oceanographer | Numerical Modeler | Aerial Photographer

NOAA's National Ocean Service

管董先知 Guanzhe
Capital Wavequantum

WaveQuantum Capital

Marine Lebrec MarineLebrec
Technical Manager for the Central and Northern California Ocean Observing System (CeNCOOS)

Santa Cruz, CA

Derrick Snowden dpsnowden

@ioos Washington, DC USA

Sebin john sebinjohn111

University of South Florida

S.E.Bourban sebourban
see you on linkedin

EDF France

Operational Oceanography Tidal Energy

Tidetech Hobart

Jason Caldwell jason-usace


Lorraine Heilman lorraine-heilman
I am an oceanographer at NOAA in the National Ocean Service. I work at the Center for Operational Oceanographic Products and Services (CO-OPS)
Kate Hedstrom kshedstrom
I do ocean and sea-ice modeling of the waters around Alaska. I am Yngvild on Ravelry.

UAF Fairbanks, Alaska

Sadaf Mahmoudi sadaf-mahmoudi96
A P.hD. student interested in coastal flooding, machine learning, data science, and sea level rise
Eric Allen allenea
Meteorologist with a CS background

NWS Somewhere

Sergey Vinogradov grapesh
Coastal Inundation and Ocean Modeling

Silver Spring, MD

Jason Fleming jasonfleming

Seahorse Coastal Consulting

Matthew V Bilskie mattbilskie

Louisiana State University Baton Rouge, LA

George Breyiannis brey
Computational Fluid Dynamics Researcher, Scientific Officer @ European Commission (JRC)

European Commission (JRC) Brussels