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lazy_forever lazy-forever

Nankai University China

Jiaqi Huang 777lefty
A student majoring computer science in Nanjing University.

Nanjing University Nanjing, China

s Day ScuDays
Undergraduate at SCU. Focus on embedded operating systems.

Sichuan University Sichuan,China


San Francisco(三藩市)


wuhan university wuhan

Xuanlin Zeng XuanlinZeng
Autonomous Driving

Tongji University Shanghai, China

Backend and Frontend Developer, and BlockChain developer warmice71

Muchan Li Lord-of-Bugs
God of Coding please love me back | UCSD Data Science 2024 | Veteran tutor for @ucsd-dsc30 | Research assistant for @DataSmithLab |

UCSD La Jolla, CA

Kangrui Liu krliu67

University of Maryland, College Park Shenzhen, Guangdong, China

Radium Zhang RadiumLZhang
Ex Game Client Developer of PUBG Mobile | AR/VR + Game Design/Development + HCI + ML

Atlanta, GA

Wei Guo AlexandreGUO2001
Machine Learning Ph.D. student at Georgia Institute of Technology

Georgia Institute of Technology Atlanta, GA

Hiren Laos LAOS-Y
gave up

Replicant Association Down Town

LeiZhenYu leizhenyu-lzy
Go Big or Go Home ? ?

University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Illinois, USA

李翔 hustlixiang21
A student from HUST


Mengchen(Bryant) Wang mcHan18
I will be attending to CSA program at NEU in Fall 2023, and I graduated from Columbia University in 2021, majoring in Statistics.

Northeastern University Boston

Xiuyu Yang OrangeSodahub

Shanghai Jiao Tong University

Junhao Wang FatPigeorz
undergradutate student in Tongji University

Tongji University Shanghai, China

Jiawei Gao Winston-Gu
Less is More.

Tsinghua University Pittsburgh

Yiming Dou Dou-Yiming
CSE PhD student @umich | B.Eng.&B.Ec. @sjtu | previous intern @Stanford

University of Michigan Shanghai ↔️ Ann Arbor

zhuohaol Zhuohao-Li

NVIDIA Paris, France

ChG coding-famer
CS Master Student @ UCIrvine Previous Open Source @cleanlab

University of California, Irvine Irvine, CA