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Zhanchao Yang zyang91
Zhanchao is a Master of City Planning (MCP) student at the University of Pennsylvania

University of Pennsylvania Philadephia, PA

ctezeerToro CohortTech

Dark Side of the Moon

Kyle Shott kyshott
Pursuing a B.S. at Wentworth Institute of Technology in Boston, MA. Currently interested in Data Science, Systems Programming and Applied Mathematics.

Wentworth Institute of Technology Boston, MA

Guang-Ze Yang youkoutaku
子曰,知之者不如好之者, 好之者不如樂之者.— Confucius

Ibaraki University Japan

Fabio Valerio Buonomo IngenuityFV
Ph.D student in Space Engineering @ "La Sapienza" University of Rome | SPace Robotics INvestigation Group SPRING.
Moncef dhkouri moncefdhk999
Administrative Conference

all organisation United states

Dan Daogaru dan-daogaru
As an innovative technology executive, I specialize in driving transformative initiatives and accelerating business growth.

@globant Sunny Isles Beach, FL

Hanife Kaptan hanifekaptan
-4th year of computer engineering -Data scientist candidate
Feller Of Trees FellerOfTrees
Maker at heart, telecom sme by experience...
Alexandre Rodríguez Rendo alexandre2r

FADA-CATEC (Advanced Center for Aerospace Technologies) Santiago de Compostela, Spain

Ameer Nagarasi Ameer114
I'm a web developer and computer science student with a solid understanding in languages like C, Python, SQL, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
Chen Wong chenwong
Computer science and technology; Bioinfomatics


Bisma Joyosumarto BismaBRJ
A regular student who occasionally goes on GitHub to publish his code for everyone else to see.

South Jakarta, Jakarta, Indonesia

Jaysh Khan JayshKhan
A problem solver who loves coding and exploring new technologies. I enjoy Googling new things and tinkering with code in my free time.

Jayara Inc. Donot exist Yet

Upayan Mazumder upayanmazumder
Computer Science Student Aspiring Data Scientist


Ding Fisher-Ding

Tsinghua university

Adrian Roman aromanro
Software engineer and physicist

Invictus Wings SRL Romania


HEU Harbin,China

(function (xiaoxi) { xiaoxi.js = this; })(get_seer("赛小息"));
jgraston sushidub
developer / designer / maker

currently freelancing Denver