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VaitaR VaitaR

Crypto Georgia

Roberto Arias roberto8080
Information Security specialist

Metaluxo Information Security Poland

Geoff Sears GeoffSearsBC

BabyCenter Sisters, OR

Devon Sampson devonds
Data scientist and analytics engineer. I help mission-driven companies use data to inform their growth and impact.

Polyculture Research United States

Piotr Mikulski pmikulski Kraków, Poland

Daniel Engelke dengelke
Co-Founder of HowdyGo
Full Stack (BOOUM) Developer.

RTBF Bruxelles

James Nowell jamescnowell
Distributed systems, but also command line gif tools

Chicago, IL

James Mowatt JamesMowatt
Software Architect @ @VisualsoftUK Views are my own

@VisualsoftUK @VisualsoftUKAI Durham, United Kingdom

Rich Atkinson atkinson
CTO at Airteam. Problem solvers in software engineering and UX design. We are a trusted, safe pair of hands for many leading Australian organisations.

@airteamaus Sydney, Australia

Philippus Baalman Philippus
You had me at λ.

@wehkamp formerly @trimm

Pacholo Amit pacholoamit
Full Stack Developer | Software Engineer | Devops Engineer | Homelab Enthusiast | Developer Advocate | Systems Administrator

Mediajel Cebu City, Philippines

Alex Rigler alexrigler
Building ChooChoo 🚂 - The Business Engine

@choochoohq San Francisco

Mason Tiffin mtiffin

Harbinger Analytics Pennsylvania

Alberto Valdez AlbertoV5
Web Developer, Data Engineer

Puebla, Mexico

Mitch Eccles mitcheccles
I teach machines.

@HedinghamAI UK

Agasthya AgasthyaNG
Data Engineer, intrested in capturing streaming data, talks about anything streaming including but not extensively snowplow, kafka. Intrests includes #GCP

Nine Sydney

Boris Morel borismo
Data Engineer

@studyportals Taipei, Taiwan

Timothy Carbone TimmyCarbone
Head of Data @unsplash

@unsplash Marseille, France / Montreal, Quebec