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Ethan Levine EthanL3
CE @ Boston University

Boston, MA

Julian Pistorius julianpistorius
Organic Software Gardener 🍅

Exosphere Project Tucson, Arizona

Zhihui Deng Zhihui-SJTU

Shanghai Jiao Tong University Shanghai

Dom Murphy DomMurphy-git
Electrical/Computer Engineering @Bostonuniversity


casey cj-casey
BU 2026 computer engineering major love funny lil dudes and also coding
just a web3 & ai student
Beste Öztop beste-oztop
PhD Student at Boston University

Boston University Boston,MA

Ahmed Abdelhak AhmedAbdelhak1
Software Developer

HelpMeGrow Algeria

José Arnulfo R. H. yosef7
Data Love | Code or Die

JARH Panamá

Emika Hammond eth1030
SRE intern @ Red Hat | Computer engineering and visual arts @ Boston University

Red Hat Boston

Burak Aksar aksarburak
Software, Applied ML, Explainable AI, and High-Performance Computing. Changing the World!
