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Kirill Sukhorukov K1rsN7
‍💻 Data Scientist | 👨‍🎓 Student

Searching... Russia, Nizhny Novgorod

Kavinda Dissanayake kavinda44
"Tech Lover | BSc (Hons) Computing undergrad | Passionate about code, collaboration, and innovation | Exploring emerging tech

Fedareation for Environment Climate and Technology Sri Lanka, Kandy

Cristóbal crizconzeta
Arquitecto de Automatización de Procesos y Servicios. Co-fundador de Kairos Digital. Apasionado por el Open Source.


Esteban Villaseca stvndev-0
Backend developer

Valparaíso, Chile


Santiago, Chile

Jonathan Ahumada Novoa jonahuman
el que sigue la consigue;)

Eterlink Software Labs Santiago, Metropolitan Region of Chile

Denny Perez DennyPerez18
Software QA Analyst @nventive Community Leader LATAM @github #Python Community Manager🐍 Latina 🇩🇴 🔗 🇨🇦 Wife & Mom x3 👶🏽

nventive Quebec, Canada

Paulo Lopez Plopez1015
Bienvenido a mis proyectos, un gusto tenerte por aqui.


Daniel Torrealba Dxnale
Estudiante de Analista Programador

Santiago, Chile.

Florencia IT Recruiter FlorenciaRecruiter
Lic en Psicologia Especilizandome en reclutamiento y selección de personal IT. Envianos tu cv a
Francisco Jiménez A. FcoJimenez
| Cybersecurity Enthusiast | Ethical Hacker | TryHackMe Top %1 | RedTeam


Renata Martinez Rena006
Software Engineer

Axmos Santiago, Chile

cyggnnus cyggnnus

Independiente Chile

Francisco Marfull Marfullsen
Stop looking for motivation and start aiming for discipline.

Freelancer Santiago, Chile

Alonso Astroza Tagle aastroza
Data Scientist (15+ yrs exp) & AI enthusiast🌱. Prof at Universidad del Desarrollo, teaching Data Product Dev🎓. Building data products w/ LLMs like ChatGPT🤖.

IDS UDD, GeoVictoria Santiago, Chile

Mitchel Rojas sammmDot
young and paranoid

Universidad Tecnica Federico Santa Maria Chile

Nicolás Georger ngeorger
Self-taught IT professional driving innovation & social impact with cybernetics, open source (Linux, Kubernetes), AI & ML. Founder of @sredevopsorg

@SREDevOpsOrg Chile

JCH jshdev
Full Stack Developer.
Felipe Alfonso González felipealfonsog
Computer Science Engineer (Ingº en Informática). Unleashing innovation by crafting visionary solutions with precision and cutting-edge tech expertise.

@nymexhub @novalangley @community Santiago, RM, Chile

Eduardo Farías edo-farias

fusiónCrea Puerto Montt, Chile

Adolfo Alvarez adolfoalvar3z

Alvar3z Santiago de Chile

Carlos Urrutia cfurrutia
Tesista Ingeniería civil industrial, Aprendiendo Analisis de datos y programación


Manuel Medina dotMamu
Computer Science Student and Videogame Enthusiast always looking for new things to learn.


SEBA24 sebab24
im a begginer in coding, i love software, raspberrypi, python, and ..of course.. LINUX
Matias Basanez programatiasbg
Programador full stack

Freelancer Chile

Jose Pablo Casas jocasas
Break something , have fun.


Ignacio Stambuk stambuk-cl
Cloud architect at work, geek and nerd at home :)

Globant Chile

Cami pajaritodeabril
this is me trying