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Marta Luterek martaluterek

ETH Zurich Basel, Switzerland

Vinothkumar Rajan vinothkr11
Post-doctoral Fellow @ Sunnybrook Reseach Institute | UToronto

University of Toronto Toronto, Canada

PVenRT pent1162
Biologist as an informatician

FreeLancer Taipei

Benoît Aliaga baliaga31
Despite my deafness, I never gave up my studies. I'm very determined and willing to work. My motivation is to understand the secrets of life.

Cancer Research Center of Toulouse Toulouse

Jayhyun Cho JayhyunCho
Pharm. D., Combined MS/Ph.D Student @SeoulNationalUniversity
Francesco Edoardo Vallone Francesco-E-Vallone
|PhD Student at the University of Turin| |Dept. of Medical Sciences| |Functional Genomics Lab|


Luiz Maniero lhmaniero
PhD Candidate studying gene regulation in stem cells, skilled in HPC, R, Python, and other tools like ImageJ/CellProfiler.
พงศ์ชนก วนัชสุนทร PCNWN
พPongchanok Wanuchsoontorn


starshine star9926

zhejiang university Germany

Zestel Shen metaspine
MD candidate, major in bone tumor, especially spinal metastasis; pupil in bioinformatics
Najneen Rejwana najneen01
Computational Biology, Proteomics, Transcriptomics.
YUN cy-000
Copy-Paste Oriented Programming
Kelvin Lee KaWingLee9

Key Laborotary of Computational Biology, SINH, CAS (Shanghai, China)

Morgan Hough m9h
Computational biophysicist

Center17 San Francisco, CA

Moonerss Moonerss

Nanjing Medical University NanJing

Ron Finn ronfinn

COMPASS Pathways London, United Kingdom

Ward D WardDeb

Freiburg, Germany

Jacob Hanimann JacobHanimann
PhD Student in Spatial Biology & Digital Pathology at the Institute of Tissue Medicine and Pathology, University of Bern

University of Bern, ETH Zürich Zurich

High005 High005
Community to share on Data-Life Science challenges
Bramadi Arya bramadi
PhD Student at @vclabsysbio | Single-Cell Transcriptomics


Yi Li liyi983923

TSRI San Diego, USA

Marius Lange Marius1311
EMBO Postdoctoral Fellow at ETH Zürich, Department of Biosystems Science and Engineering

@quadbio Basel

Marloes Blotenburg marloes3105
Postdoc @ Vastenhouw lab, UNIL PhD graduate van Oudenaarden lab, Hubrecht Institute

Lausanne, CH

Iman Nazari parsboy66
PhD Computational biology at European School of Molecular Medicine Italy Master in Deep Learning South Korea Bachelor in Electronics Iran


Reto T. RTS1997
PhD student @quadbio

Biozentrum Basel