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Cogito Ergo Sum standardgalactic
   Standard Galactic Alphabet

Xanadu Canada

Arun Reddy Annavaram arunreddy503 India

Jonathan Poissant jpoissant
Lead Software Architect - Cloud Native Development

@rackspace Montreal, QC, Canada

Phillip Rhodes mindcrime

Fogbeam Labs Chapel Hill, NC

Simeon Abraham simeonabe
An IT guy in server support(Hardware & Software), (Windows server 2012, Mac OS, Linux), MSc Computer Science, Cloud, DevOps & Data Science.


Hưng Hung-00

CMC Saigon, Vietnam

Kyle Finley ITProKyle
DevOps Engineer / Software Developer with an expertise in Python.

Southwest Airlines Ohio

James R T jamestiotio
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." - Sir Arthur Charles Clarke

@facebook The edge of knowing

Karol Flont karolflont
Cloud DevOps Engineer


Prateek Dubey pratieklndubey
Software Engineer @comprehend

@comprehend remote

Ryan Gray goatatwork

@rackspace Planet Earth

Moteesh moteesh-reddy
I love coding and designing tools that make people productive
GitHub isabella232

Tomasz Owczarczyk tomaszowczarczyk

Rackspace Technology Szczecin, Poland

Sarvottam Singh savvysarvo
Cloud professional with notable success in planning, analysis, and implementation of cloud services. Cloud Implementation Coordinator II @rackspace

Rackspace Technology

jait jaitjacob
🔨 always tinkering
Marcel F. Falcão mmfalcao

Rede Itapecerica da Serra

Hirad Rasoolinejad Hiiirad
DevSecOps Engineer | eBPF and XDP | Cyber Security Researcher | Telco Cloud | Rust | Open Source Contributor