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Sujoy Chabri atanu2531
A software developer with curiosity
Md. Belal Hossain belal-bh
Python | ML | Django | Flutter | React Native | Nodejs | Next.js | Nest.js | @belal-bs23 @BrainStation-23 @cseai

@cseai Bangladesh

R0CKSTAR yeahdongcn
AI Infra | Cloud Native | Virtualization | macOS/iOS - ex @sangfor / @vmware

@MooreThreads Beijing, China

Vedant K. Naik roboticvedant
Electrical Engineering Student

Michigan State University East Lansing

AtomZhao tonyvicter
a budding one

United Automotive Electronic Systems Co.,Ltd. (UAES) Shanghai, China

Satoshi Kawahira ksatoshi
A student of Future University Hakodate expected to graduate in 2025


Mackay Grange mackaygrange
UVU student majoring in Software Engineering! My favorite languages to code in are C, C++, Python, and Lua!
墨舟 mozhou-tech
Refactor & Modular, a road to reduce complexity.

Nanjing, Jiangsu Province

Muhammed Abdelmoniem men3m-4
Silent steps, loud impact.....
Daniel Holl danielholl13
Artificial Intelligence M.Sc. @ OTH


Nicky Hu Nicky0325
Software developer in autonomous driving industry, dedicated to the development of calibration and localization algorithm of multi-sensor systems. Shanghai

A Robot Hacker fm NTUEE

Qualcomm XR Research Perception Taiwan, Taipei

Kinesis kinesis19
<Redbrick Creator> A freshman Robotics at Kwangwoon Univ, Republic of Korea

Redbrick Korea

顾建安 who123456789
David Ogea dogea
The answer is 42

Frox AG Switzerland

dfy dfyun
Not bad!

ca chongqing

Gilbert Tanner TannerGilbert
Student Robotics and Artificial Intelligence |


Lingjie Kong lingjiekong
Founder mode | ex-@google-deepmind | ex-@aws | ex-@microsoft | MS CS/ME @Stanford | Robotics | RL | AI/ML

Google DeepMind Mountain View

Gaurav Kesh Roushan GauravKesh
Student || Btech CST || DSA || Web Developer || Problem Solving ||


Lê Thạch Phúc Vy pvy-it-tdh
Là người chạy theo đam mê chỉ biết cố gắng là một lối thoát
