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Tamas Holczer tholczer
Co-Founder of multiple startups (ex-ScreamingBox). Working as a fractional CHRO and HR Business partner. Business dev activities, Recruitment & project mgmt

Uwork.Global San Francisco, CA

Felipe Truman felipetruman
The quieter you become,the more you are able to hear.

Rafal Stokowski stokowski
e/ops :: efficient operations Co-founder of @scramjetorg and @fuugo

@scramjetorg @improvnodes Poland

Himanshu joshi HimanshuJ011
Full-Stack Developer || CSE @technoindianjr


Yves Wang paraself
A multidisciplinary artist working on architecture, visual design, full stack web development and game making.


Joe Speed joespeed
making ROS 2 safe. Indy Autonomous Challenge technical advisor🏎🐢
Avinash Patil avinashetrx
DevOps, Cloud-Native | ML-Ops | Kubernetes Addict


Shauni ShauniArima

SNCF Connect & Tech Services Nantes, France

Abhinav Chaturvedi abhinavchat
Developer | Knowledge Seeker


Tyler Simpson donewiththedollar
for science. Discord: flyingtoaster#3285
Patryk Falba patuwwy

Bielsko-Biała, Poland