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Chun-Hui Gao gaospecial
Ph. D in BIOlogy, named after SPRING, interested in TOP science.

Huazhong Agricultural University Wuhan, China

Lishidaobiao shadowsdb
Student of University

Nanjing Agricultural University

Suresh Kumar M suresh2014
Bacterial pathogens, Genomics, One Health and Epidemiology

University of Hyderabad, India India

Kathryn Atherton k-atherton

@microbesatBU Boston, MA

Okechukwu Francis francismore1
PhD Scholar @UPES Dehradun, India

@UPES India

Chania Clare ChaniaClare
PhD student at UCL on the LIDo programme funded by the BBSRC in the @ucl-cssb group

University College London London

Wataru Takahagi WataruTakahagi
Postdoctoral Research Associate, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Eran Agmon eagmon
computational systems biology

University of Connecticut

Haris Zafeiropoulos hariszaf
bioinformatician, microbial systems biology

KU Leuven - Rega institute

Alejandro Castellanos alejandrocs98
Colombian BME PhD Student @ Duke University

@VenturelliLab Durham, NC

Helen G Scott hgscott
Graduate student in the Segrè lab at Boston University, interested in microbial communities and plant synthetic biology.

Segrè Lab, Boston University Boston, MA