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Mahafuj Hossain MAHAFUJ
Navigating AI Horizons

BRAC University Dhaka

Ashay ashaydave
Audio stuff

University of Miami Salt Lake City

Loreto Parisi loretoparisi
MSc Computer Engineering, running @musixmatchresearch Artificial Intelligence Engineering Director at @musixmatch

@Musixmatchdev Italy, Bologna

sergio marchesini smarques
Coder / Musician / Composer
Ademilson ademilsonfp

Uberlândia-MG, Brazil

Brian Roach itsbrex
Managing Director @ Savills US ♥️ #TeamRoach

Savills San Diego

Amantur Amatov amanteur
Deep Learning for Music Information Retrieval, Audio Processing (and life)

Kits.AI Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan

Zeyu Xiong BILLXZY1215
PhD student @ ETH Zurich.

ETH Zurich Zurich, Switzerland

3DJ ThreeDeeJay
Stereo 3D enthusiast and spaghetti coder. Check out: Contact:

Binaural Audio Third dimension

Daniel Rasmussen drGeoBN

Bonnier News Västerås

Cinemachina Cinemachina

Cinemachina Productions

ZR Han happyTonakai
Student. Plz give me $!

Student 701 7th St NW, Washington, DC

Alxy Savin xsa-dev
Mutation... 🌪️
kweiwen kweiwen
Son of a MD, husband, engineer, and audiophile. I ⛏️ DSP, music, and neural networks!

Li Auto Taipei, Taiwan

Kiren Srinivasan srinitude

@fantasymetals New York, NY

Atsuya Kobayashi atsukoba
Musical Human Computer Interaction / Computational Creativity

Sony Tokyo

Carl Thomé carlthome
Music ML, audio data, self-supervised learning, differentiable programming

Stockholm, Sweden

Holger hlgrprng / / SH / Berlin / Hamburg

Steven Hastings stevenhastings
Let's tell our stories and query our problems. Then let's Git to the issues. class OpenSourcerers :

Mid-West Can Apps Traverse City

Thomas Mayer residuum
Due to Github's determination to be "The world’s leading AI-powered developer platform" I will move my projects to codeberg.


Kris Pritchard krp

@kris-classes Auckland, New Zealand

Marcelo Alvim malvim

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Miguel de Sousa miguelfs
Electronics and Computer Engineer - Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro. ML Engineer @ Fu2re

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil